.my-button { /* Inherit styles from the primary-button class */ background-color: inherit; border: inherit; color: inherit; padding: inherit; /* ... other inherited properties */ /* Overwrite the text content */ text-content: "Shop"; }

School Supply Drive

Gonder City - 2017


Year 2017 was an eventful year for our organization.  We accomplished our set goals and in addition, we completed a few impromptu projects/events that presented themselves seemingly in our lap.  With the help of a local group of young men and women, we were able to hand out approximately 750 folders and 150 pens to 74 students in the range of 1st to 12th grade.  Most of these students come from a completely broken family and must fetch for money themselves by any means, not only for school supplies but also for food and water. 

We also handed out a luggage full of clothing to some of our school supply recipients and their parents.  The above are pictures of the events we held.
