Building Homes
Gonder city
An ADD on Project - 2018
In addition to our upcoming school project in Gojam, we had been working with Gonders local kebele astedadari or office to give us permission to help build 25 of the 210 units that was assigned for the poorest of the poor a year ago in a area where transportation is poor at best within the city. These families have been residing in them, some without walls, others without windows and the most extreme, with nothing but empty and bare space for the past 6 months or so.
A lot of the cost is labor since materials needed are chika (dirt mixed with water and hay) inchet (studs), and korkoro (roofing), and water.
We employed about thirty day laborers to finish the task within a month.
Why did we choose to build these homes when it is not our mission as a non profit organization? Besides the fact that we have the budget for it, most of these families who are in need of these homes have school age children who are left to sleep in the cold. If we can alleviate a problem at home, our thinking is that they will be better students in school.
Total cost: 87,000 Birr ($3,052)